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Women's tights

Discover our range of colorful tights, designed to bring you the greatest comfort and the perfect style. Born from 100% French manufacturing, our tights are resistant and above all durable. Pamper your figure and your legs with our Berthe Aux Grands Pieds tights!

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126 products


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40D Tree and Lace Plum Tights Sale price41,50 €
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40D Tights Navy Tree and Yellow Birds Sale priceFrom 39,00 €
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40D Tights Black Tree and Green Birds Sale priceFrom 39,00 €
Collants 30D femme maille irisée chair oiseau rose et kaki CHAIR/KAKICollants 30D femme maille irisée chair oiseau rose et kaki CHAIR/KAKI
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Royal Semi-Opaque Tights Sale price44,00 €
Collants semi-opaques fushia FUSHIACollants semi-opaques fushia FUSHIA
Fuchsia semi-opaque tights Sale price44,00 €
Collants semi-opaque aqua AQUACollants semi-opaque aqua AQUA
Semi-opaque aqua tights Sale price44,00 €
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Petrol blue semi-opaque tights Sale price44,00 €
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Collants 30D femme marine oiseau marron et vert MARINE/MARRONCollants 30D femme marine oiseau marron et vert MARINE/MARRON
Collants 30D femme noir oiseau marine et rose NOIR/MARINECollants 30D femme noir oiseau marine et rose NOIR/MARINE
Collants semi transparents - Couleur Marine MARINECollants semi transparents - Couleur Marine MARINE
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Collants semi-transparents - Couleur Kaki KAKICollants semi-transparents - Couleur Kaki KAKI

Which tights should you choose for women?

Ourfancy tights for womenare available in different colors, with various patterns and made of various materials. Thus, your choice depends on your aesthetic preferences, the occasion on which you are going to wear yourcotton tightsand the comfort you want to achieve. For a chic and elegant look, opt foropaque fancy tightsand wear them with a dress or skirt and high heels.

For a more casual style, we recommend opting forcolorful fancy tights. Finally, for a fun and original result,our tights for womenwill be perfect! In any case, at Berthe Aux Grands Pieds, we offer you a very wide variety oftights made in France. You can find in particular: patterned tights, colored tights for women, original fancy tights, etc.

How to put on women's tights?

Put on one of ourfancy tightsis very simple! You just have to roll up the first leg of the tights gently with your hands, from the top to the tip of the foot, then slide your foot into this rolled part of the tights. Do the same for the other leg and gently raise youroriginal women's tightsalong your legs.

The advantage with ourwomen's tights, is that they have a belt that stays in place, but does not compress the stomach. Also, be aware that ourfancy women's cotton tightsis the best choice if you are looking for tights to keep you warm this winter.

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